
Meet my literature.

NEW “Musings of a Landscape Photographer”

“Musings of a Landscape Photographer” tries to uncover a deeper truth about fine-art landscape photography. There’s a distinct philosophical trend among the essays that I’ve written over my career. Featuring over 100 high resolution images - my most precious work from the past decade - this book will help you understand what goes into the making of these moody and mystical images, accompanied through pensive, thought-provoking essays, categorized in 5 parts, titled ART, LIGHT, LAND, MOMENT & ADVICE. All with the primary goal to gain insight into my psychology; the most crucial and overlooked aspect of the resulting art. Musings of a Landscape Photographer captures the way I envision, photograph and post-process my images, making you a more original and better landscape photographer.

15 years in the making, 154 pages long and contains over 100 high-resolution images that I feel best describe my fine-art landscape portfolio.

“Musings of a Landscape Photographer” is written in English. Download the e-book below.

“Call of the Mountains” Mountain Photography E-Book

Learning Landscape Photography among the Giants


Let’s go to the mountains together!

In my third E-Book, we’re taking an ever sparsely populated footpath through the treeline and into the mountains. In this 143-page interactive PDF, you will learn all there is to learn about two of my workflows in mountain landscape photography. First off all, “Ghostly Mountains”, as I coined the term, are my telephoto images that perhaps tell more about the photographer than the photographed. Nevertheless, there is a specific set of techniques both in the field an in the digital darkroom that you will learn here. Next are the wide-angle “Epic Mountains” in which we find a sprawling foreground to accompany those seemingly vast peaks. How do you get your mountains looking impressive with a wide angle? And how does that color palette create such moody feelings? These and many more questions will find answers in here.

  • 143 page interactive PDF

  • Widescreen format and high-res images and screenshots

  • Comprised of five parts, much like the format of “Woodland”, but with all different approaches that make photographing the mountains so very specialized.

Glowing Mushroom E-Book


Everywhere I post my mushroom images I get asked the same question over and over. How do you make those mushrooms glow like that?

In this 5800+ word online E-Book*, all the tools, techniques and the artistic choices are bundled together. It includes a discount on my mushroom processing video as well if you want to take things further.

How do you do it? Are they glowing by themselves? Do you use lights or is it all Photoshop? Get exclusive access to this premium Glowing Mushroom page now.

  • Learn all the camera settings needed for this technique.

  • Learn where and when you find these mushrooms.

  • Learn which mushrooms work for this technique and which do not.

  • Complete post-processing walk-through included.

*Updated annually with new tips, behind-the-scenes pictures and experiments I come up with. That’s why there is no download. You retain exclusive access to a living e-book on my website that keeps on growing with more information and no filler.

“Woodland” - Forest Photography E-Book

Creating Spectacular Photographs in the Forest


*do not buy if you already own the Dutch book “Woodscapes”.

An all-encompassing photographic journey through creating your own forest fairy tales!

“Woodland” is my second E-Book in which I take you on a digital workshop where no secrets are held back. This is my complete forest photography workflow for all sorts of forest photography. From mysterious misty footpaths marked by ancient sentinels on either side, to mesmerizing monumental trees captured using wide-angle lenses.

  • 150+ pages | 30.000 words

  • Widescreen format - high resolution images and screenshots

  • Interactive chapter links

  • Many dozens of visual examples, finalized works, before- and after comparisons and behind-the-scenes footage

This book includes all five parts:

  1. Creative Vision

  2. Finding Subjects and When to Capture Them

  3. The Technicalities of a Great Image

  4. Engaging the Digital Darkroom

  5. Two Forest Photography Cases: “Shelter” & “Of Oak, Beech and Sadness”

Misschien herken je het wel: je loopt door het bos en ziet bomen. That’s it. Je hebt je camera en statief mee, maar geen idee waar je moet beginnen om een mooie compositie te kiezen.

In dit boek vertellen Nederlandse bosfotografen Ellen Borggreve en Daniel Laan met het vertellen waarom visie zo belangrijk is in bosfotografie. Vervolgens nemen we je mee het veld in voor een praktische gids over de kunst van het vastleggen. Van de basis tot geavanceerde technieken zoals het aaneenrijgen van verschillende frames. Het laatste deel van het boek gaat over de technieken die wij gebruiken in de nabewerking. Ook hier starten Ellen en Daniel met praktische tips en bouwen we de complexiteit op tot een volwaardige workflow die beide auteurs prijzen heeft opgeleverd.

Het hardcover boek Woodscapes telt ongeveer 220 pagina’s en meet 23x19 cm (liggend formaat). Te koop bij o.a.

Praxisbuch Wälder fotografieren (Deutsch)

Wahrscheinlich kennen Sie dieses Gefühl, wenn Sie durch einen alten Wald gehen. Es ist wie im Dschungel! Wälder sind faszinierend, bezaubernd und magisch. So überwältigend man Wälder und Bäume mit dem Auge wahrnimmt, so chaotisch wirken sie jedoch oft auf einem Foto. Von allen Formen der Landschaftsfotografie ist die Waldfotografie vielleicht die schwierigste.

Lassen Sie sich nicht sofort entmutigen, denn wenn Sie erst einmal den Dreh raus haben, werden Sie merken, dass Wälder fotografieren süchtig macht! Ellen Borggreve und Daniël Laan haben sich auf die Fotografie von Wäldern spezialisiert und verraten Ihnen alle Tricks, um zu ausdrucksstarken und magischen Bildern zu gelangen.

In »Wälder fotografieren« folgen Sie den beiden Schritt für Schritt, beginnend bei der Bildidee über erste Erkundungen on Location bis hin zur Aufnahme und anschließenden Bildbearbeitung. Nach der Lektüre dieses Buches werden Ihre fotografierten Waldlandschaften genauso spektakulär aussehen wie in natura.

Das Hardcover-Buch Woodscapes hat ca. 220 Seiten und misst 23x19 cm (Querformat). Zum Verkauf bei