Forest Bundle
Includes “Return to the Dark Forest” & “4 Seasons in the Dark Forest” post-processing videos and “Woodland” e-book!
Includes “Return to the Dark Forest” & “4 Seasons in the Dark Forest” post-processing videos and “Woodland” e-book!

Includes “Return to the Dark Forest” & “4 Seasons in the Dark Forest” post-processing videos and “Woodland” e-book!
“Woodland” is my second E-Book in which I take you on a digital workshop where no secrets are held back. This is my complete forest photography workflow for all sorts of forest photography. From mysterious misty footpaths marked by ancient sentinels on either side, to mesmerizing monumental trees captured using wide-angle lenses.
150+ pages | 30.000 words
Widescreen format - high resolution images and screenshots
Interactive chapter links
Many dozens of visual examples, finalized works, before- and after comparisons and behind-the-scenes footage
Return to the Dark Forest
Forest photography holds many challenges. Whether you’re shooting against the light or in complete absence of light, there’s always some technical aspect that blocks the creative process. In this video, we’re taking 3 images from the raw stage all the way to a final image that looks like it was shot on the set of The Lord of the Rings.
What’s Included?
⭐ These four videos contain more than 3,5 hours’ worth of processing in total.
⭐ Three PSD-files (resized) of “Trifecta”, “Feet of Fangorn” and “Communal Hill” with every adjustment still present.
⭐ All resized raw files (DNG) with every adjustment still present. Plus pre-processed focus stacks in case you want to skip this step.
⭐ Read-me file linking to additional tools such as TK Actions and the last sharpening tool you will ever need.
⭐ A bunch of ever updated videos that keep up with tools, updates and versioning, to make these videos absolutely timeless.
This is my entire workflow for a Dark Forest shot. In two videos, we will cover:
✔️ Directing attention to the parts that matter (and redirecting the eye away from the edges).
✔️ Range Masking: Controlling light in Camera Raw and Lightroom.
✔️ Creative Controlled Warping & The Transform Tool.
✔️ Highlight Color Dodging.
✔️ Specular Highlighting – a trick that I invented.
✔️ Separating autumn colors.
✔️ Changing the Hue without Artifacts.
✔️ Applying negative Clarity and Dehaze to make a dreamy effect.
✔️ Blending sun stars.
✔️Getting great results in both overcast conditions and shooting high dynamic range images against the light.
✔️ Applying negative Clarity and Dehaze to make a dreamy effect.
✔️ Editing the raw file for use in Photoshop.
✔️ Creative Controlled Warping & The Transform Tool.
✔️ Burning Shadows.
✔️ Luminosity Selections (RGB Channels and Tony Kuyper’s luminosity masks).
✔️ Changing the Hue without Artifacts.
✔️ Cloning out distractions.
✔️Handling HDR, direct sunlight and over-exposed skies and blending exposures in the forest (and their necessity).
✔️Focus stacking.
✔️ Sharpening and Exporting for the Web to keep the colors exactly the same as you see it in Photoshop for the whole world.
4 Seasons in the Dark Forest
In this complete 4-part video tutorial, you will learn how to edit forest photos from all seasons. We’ll cover summer, spring and several stages of autumn and winter photography so you can go to any forest confidently if the conditions are right.
⭐ These four videos contain close to 5 hours’ worth of processing in total. Plus 2 more hours of additional instructional videos about setting correct colors, luminosity masking and channel selections that are updated as my workflow changes, making these tutorials absolutely timeless.
⭐ Six PSD-files (resized) of photos that showcase the immense diversity you can find in your typical forest, with every adjustment still present. No secrets!
⭐ All resized raw files (DNG) with every adjustment still present. Plus pre-processed focus stacks where applicable in case you want to skip this step.
⭐ Read-me file linking to additional tools such as TK Actions and the last sharpening tool you will ever need.
What’s Included in this Updated video?
✔️ Handling White Balance and Exposure for snow photography.
✔️ Range Masking: Controlling light in Camera Raw and Lightroom.
✔️ Creative Controlled Warping & The Transform Tool.
✔️ Highlight Color Dodging.
✔️ Specular Highlighting – a trick that I invented.
✔️ Separating autumn colors.
✔️ Changing the Hue without Artifacts.
✔️ Applying negative Clarity and Dehaze to make a dreamy effect.
✔️ Blending sun stars.
✔️ Separating colors that are close together to give more interest in your woodscapes.
✔️ Handling reflections in water.
✔️ Editing the raw file for use in Photoshop with my smart object workflow.
✔️ Dark mood aesthetic and working on your portfolio for consistency..
✔️ Burning Shadows.
✔️ Luminosity Selections (RGB Channels and Tony Kuyper’s luminosity masks).
✔️ Cloning out distractions.
✔️ Handling HDR, direct sunlight and over-exposed skies and blending exposures in the forest (and their necessity).
✔️ Focus stacking.
✔️ Sharpening and Exporting for the Web to keep the colors exactly the same as you see it in Photoshop for the whole world.
Note that this is a Digital Download product. No physical DVD or USB thumb drive is included. I do not offer refunds on digital products.