"Ghostly Mountains" Post-Processing Tutorial
My favourite subject in front of the telephoto lens: moody mountains bathing in the clouds. Learn countless state-of-the-art techniques in my longest tutorial ever recorded.
My favourite subject in front of the telephoto lens: moody mountains bathing in the clouds. Learn countless state-of-the-art techniques in my longest tutorial ever recorded.

My favourite subject in front of the telephoto lens: moody mountains bathing in the clouds. Learn countless state-of-the-art techniques in my longest tutorial ever recorded.
What’s Included?
These three videos contain more than 3,5 hours’ worth of processing together, my biggest Photoshop tutorial ever recorded!
Three PSD-files (resized) of “Freedom Spires”, “Still for a Moment” and “Gleam of Dawn” with every adjustment still present.
Read-me file with photography tips and links to additional tools such as TK Actions and the last sharpening tool you will ever need.
What Will I Learn?
This is my entire workflow for a misty mountain photo. In three videos, we will cover:
Simultaneous Raw pre-processing
Aligning layers by hand using the Difference Blending Mode
Selecting the best parts of different images shot in rapid succession: birds, changesin light, etc.
Creative Controlled Warping
Leading the eye with darkness and light
Cloud dodging and reflected light dodging
Luminosity Selections (RGB Channels and Tony Kuyper’s luminosity masks)
Post-Processing for a dramatic film-look, straight from the fantasy films of Peter Jackson set in Middle-Earth
Matte Painting - the technique actually used in those films to create backgrounds
Selecting the best crops
Orton effect creation and control in Photoshop
Light Bleed and other light effects in Photoshop
Alternatively use Skylum Luminar to create those light effects
Panorama Stitching with a back-up plan
Repairing slightly out-of-focus mountains
Color grading and color corrections
Export and sharpening for the web
How do I Watch the Video?
After you pay, you will download a document containing links to download the actual video and files needed to follow along.
Note that this is a Digital Download product. No physical DVD or USB thumb drive is included. I do not offer refunds on digital products.